Why Window Air Conditioners Ice Up?
One of the unhappy problems with a window air conditioner is if it starts to snow on it. For the owner of the air conditioner, the matter may be more troublesome. When this problem occurs. Then most of the people feel that all this is happening due to refrigerant gas. But most of the reason for this may be the result of other difficulties. That is frequently the outcome of inadequate airflow. Anytime airflow is limited through an air conditioner, the cooling system becomes an influence. If taken to the extreme limits, the important function of the cooling coil can be changed. If they cool a little, then the surface temperature can drop below the dew point temperature of the room. Whenever this happens, the cooling coil starts working as a refrigerator instead of the air conditioner. The air conditioner will begin collecting moisture and dissipate hot air instead of just cooling the air. After this happens, the condensation will settle on the coil and, it will appear as...